torsdag 21 mars 2013

President Elbegdorj rides on a stamp

Just now I managed to find this extra ordinary piece of a stamp. Apparently President Elbegdorj is celebrating his ancestry by appearing in front of some traditionally clothed Mongolian riders. This points back to a proud ancestry and ancient times when Mongolia ruled the world. You could see it as a clear line from the days of Kubilai and his invasion of Japan, but hopefully President Elbegdorj don't have any such ambitions. Rather it might be a way of increasing his chances in the upcoming Mongolian Presidential Election in late May this year.

It  would be a small sensation to see either the Swedish King or Prime Minister on the back of a horse. But then again they don't possess the bravery of President Elbegdorj. After all he was one of the protestors on the Sukhbaatar Square back 1991.

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