onsdag 29 juli 2009

Un-wetter und/oder anti-wetter

This Swedish summer is not good. One newspaper claimed that it was the rainiest July in fifty years time. I remember overhearing some German tourists commenting on the Swedish summer wheather some years ago:
- Das hier ist nicht un-wetter, es ist anti-wetter!
One of the Germans told the other one and it seems that he really ment it. I remember that I thought he was quite right. This summer is not as bad as that one, probably because we have been on the road for quite some time now. Yesterday, however, we landed at the summer house, which probably means that we now have to face the wheather. The wife thinks that now as we are back in Wermland and close to Karlstad, the sun is going to shine everyday.
I am not that optimistic! I still remember the old Walker Brothers song "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore"... Am I a pessimist or not?

Furthermore, the monarchy ought to be abolished!

tisdag 28 juli 2009

Waiter, waiter, there is a fly in my wine

Yesterday I was taken up the vacation reading. And as we were staying in Västervik in a hostel with the toilet in another building, I had to rise and to go it. As I returned I lay down on the bed and opened the book. As started reading and reached out after a glass of wine standing on the side-table by the bed. As I took a zip I sensed something buzzing against my upper lip. I looked into the glass and on the surface of the wine a big fly has landed upside down. My reaction was to immediately burst out all the wine from my mouth. The sheet told the tale of what happened in the bed...
The fly did not make as far as I know and my last sight of it was when it started its journey down the sewer and out into the pipes... I probably got a lot of bad karma there...
Furthermore, I think that monarchy ought to be abolished!

tisdag 21 juli 2009

Spiritus and culture

Today we explored the Aalborg Spiritus Destillery in Ålborg. The factory is at the present owned by the French company Pernod Ricard, as the right-wing Swedish government sold it together with Vin & Sprit AB (who produces Absolut Vodka for instance), in its effort to fulfill its neoliberal dogmatic agenda. The introduction at the factory explicitly reminded us of that fact. We were, however, welcomed as individuals.

On the first photo you see the sign on the roof of the factory, which was built in 1931. It stod throughout WW II and is preserved as a cultural memorable sight by the Danish authorities.

The second photo is of one of the trucks that distribute the alcohol out of the factory towards next step in the production process, where it is bottled and further distributed to the eager consumers. Trivia here is that during WW I, in the old factory, taxes were increased on theh main product Akvavit and the raise was from 0.11 Danish crowns to 9 DAC. This brought down consumption to very low level and the reasons behind the tax raise was that wheat, corn and potatoes was considered as more important as food than ingredients in alcohol.

Furthermore, the Swedish monarchy ought to be abolished!

Photo copyright of Anna-Karin Johansson Brikell

måndag 20 juli 2009


Ooopss! We went on holiday for three days to Denmark and it turned out that we went to the most expensive country within the EU. Don't get me wrong, it has been nice, though not that nice! But then again, in retrospective we might think of it differently.

Furthermore, the Swedish monarchy ought to be abolished!!!

söndag 19 juli 2009

The Assassination of the Yugoslav King

Alexander I

In 1934 the Yugoslav King Alexander I (1888-1934) went on an official visit to France and as he reached Marsielle and paraded through the city, he was attacked and assassinated, by the Macedonian separatist Vlado Chernozemski (1897-1934). Chernozemski, who was an experienced marksman and shot Alexander I and the driver and was afterwords killed by the angry crowd of spectators. This marked the effective end of the Yugoslav monarchy established after World War I in 1918.

Vlado Chernozemski

In 1929 Alexander I made a coup d’etat and established himself as authoritarian ruler. He furthermore changed the name of the state from the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The assassination itself was spectacular as it was the first that actually was filmed.

Furthermore, monarchy ought to be abolished.

lördag 18 juli 2009

To Kill a King

Charles I

The English Civil War fought out in two sequences, the first during 1642-45 and the second 1648-49. In the second part the King, Charles I (1600-1649) was captured by the combined forces of the English and Scotish Parliaments.

An extraordinary good movie when it comes to turn a monarchy into a republic is To Kill A King (2003), starring Tim Roth as Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), and directed by Mike Barker. The movie is focused on the English Revolution and the execution of Charles I. The story is centring on the process where Cromwell and his associates de-thrown the king and finally execute him. The story ends bad as monarchy is restored and Cromwell’s body is dug up from his grave and hung up in the gallows outside a London city gate.

Oliver Cromwell

The events here discribed marks the end of the attempts towards absoultism in England and the gradual transformation into a constitutional monarchy. But still it could have been much more. The English people however was described as tired after the years of Cromwell's rule and wanted to go back to normality. Therefore the heir of Charles I, Charles II (1630-1685) was invited back to England where monarchy was restored in 1660.

Charles II
Furthermore, monarchy ought to be abolished!

fredag 17 juli 2009

Republik NU!!!

Gustav III (1746-1792) genomförde en statskupp den 19 augusti 1772 och gjorde sig till enväldig härskare med auktoritära maktbefogenheter. Han låg lite illa i tiden, med tanke på den franska revolutionen och de förändringar den innebar. Men vem kan förutse framtiden och inse att både den amerikanska och franska revolutionen låg i den nära förestående framtiden. (Detsamma kan sägas ha drabbat Louis XVI då han gav Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (1738-1814) tekniska råd för förbättringar av giljotinen).

Även den här historien innehåller en hjälte i form av Johan Jacob Anckarström (1762-1792), som 1792 gav Gustav III vad han förtjänade. Folk på den tiden hade liten förståelse för Ankarströms hjältemod och lät avrätta honom. Trivia i sammanhanget är att en av Anckarströms nu levande släktingar är Ulf Adelsohn.

Nu ledde dessvärre inte Anckarströms hjältemodiga insats till införandet av republik, utan istället övertog den inkompetente Gustav IV Adolf (1778-1837) makten. Han inledde ett illa förberett krig mot Ryssland, som ledde till nederlag för Sverige och förlust av Finland. År 1809 hade svenskarna fått nog av honom och avsatte honom. Här hade man åter chansen att införa republik. Men man letade istället reda på en dansk prins och gjorde honom till tronföljare. Den danske prinsen dog under mystiska omständigheter på sin väg från Köpenhamn till Stockholm.
Här fanns åter en chans att införa republik, men istället letade man reda på någon avdankad fransk militär, som hankade sig fram som föga framgångsrik greve av Pontecorvo. Greven kände väl att marken var lite väl het under hans fötter och att hans lilla grevskap nog knappast skulle kunna behållas, så han tog sitt pick och pack och flyttade till Sverige. Kanske anade han att Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) en dag skulle besegras och då skulle hans maktanspråk vara av noll och intet värde. Sedan dess förvaltar vi hans lilla genbank med allt vad den aveln innebär...
En idé som framfördes häromdagen i vår republikanska förening var att flytta över hovets ekonomi på Försäkringskassan. Det överlever aldrig vare sig hovet eller monarkin.

För övrigt anser jag att monarkin ska avskaffas!

torsdag 16 juli 2009

Republik varje dag!

Arvsmonarkins historia i Sverige är kantad av lagöverträdelser, övergrepp och våld. En statskupp genomfördes 1680 av den dåvarande kungen Karl XI (1655-1697). Vid denna tidpunkt införde han det så kallade enväldet. Det här var ett autokratiskt styre som innebar att inget kunde genomföras utan eller mot kungens vilja. Karl XI gjorde sig med andra ord till diktator.

Det hela hade egentligen börjat då Karl XI:s far, den så kallade pfalziske greven, erjöds och tog emot den svenska kronan. Karl X Gustav ((1622-1660), som han kom att kallas, är mest känd som den som varit mest effektiv då det gällt att mörda skåningar.

Styret fortsatte under Karl XI son, Karl XII (1682-1718), som lyckades med att få ned landet på en eländesnivå som sedan aldrig överträffats. Orsaken var naturligtvis kostnaderna för den krigföring som Karl XII ägnade sig åt, vilken resulterade i svält, armod och oerhört lidande. Turligt nog blev han skjuten under sitt norska fälttåg 1718. Efter kungens död avvecklades enväldet och en period av proto-demokrati vidtog.

Karl XII tillbringade en längre tid i det Ottomanska Imperiet, i något som kan liknas vid en självvald landsflykt. Turkarna kallade honom för Järnskallen, eftersom de ansåg att om han fått en idé så kunde ingen ta ur honom den. Hans enda positiva handlingar för Sverige och Finland var att han tog hit köttbullarna och kåldolmarna från Ottomanska Imperiet.
Denna sorgliga samling översittare, möedare och förtryckare hyllar man i svensk historieskrivning. Man talar stolt om hjältekonungen... De så kallade kungakramarna pekar stolt bakåt och hävdar att vi ska vara stolta över vår historia. Argumenten för monarki har alltid varigt dåliga, i avsaknad av logik och bygger bara på att upprätthålla förtrycket. Ska vi lära något av historien så är det att monarker kan man aldrig lita på. Jag har bara en sak att säga:
För övrigt anser jag att monarkin ska avskaffas!

onsdag 15 juli 2009

Republik idag!

Det påpekades på annat håll under gårdagen att den mest absurda formen av anställningstrygghet var arvsmonarkin. Arvsmonarkin genomfördes i Sverige genom en statskupp 1521 då despoten och tyrannen Gaustav Eriksson Vasa tillvällde sig både den politiska makten och i ett senare skede också en stor del av kyrkans egendomar.

Fram till denna tidpunkt hade Sverige att så kallat valkungarike och den valde regenten var Kristian II, med tillnamnet den gode. Arvkungariket var naturligtvis ingen optimal styrelseform, men det hade en fördel framför det som nu med våld genomfördes; man kunde undvika rena idioter på tronen, helt enkelt genom att inte välja dem.

Det fanns gott om motståndare till statskuppen. Utgående från Småland startade frihetskämpen Nils Dacke det som i historien blivit känt som Dacke-fejden. Ursurpatorn lyckades dock besegra alla motståndare och arvsmonarkin kom att etableras, trots att Gustav I söner kom att visa sig allt annat än dugliga som statshefer.
Det väsentliga är att denna typ av styre införs genom en statskupp, där den legitime och valde regenten avsätts på ett rättsvidrigt sätt. Därför kan själva styrelseformen betraktas som illegitim.
För övrigt anser jag att monarkin ska avskaffas!

Proclaim Republic!

In today’s edition of Swedish broadsheet Svenska Dagbladet, one of the editorial writers shows a sharp mind (N.B. irony!). We are supposed to fight the Act on Employment Security, rather than the monarchy, if we want to fight for freedom. Paulina Neuding’s arguments are contradictory at best, but a venomous critic would call it some kind of intellectual hara-kiri. She has obviously forgotten or is ignorant of the other two parts used in the motto of the French Revolution of 1789.

Today we celebrate the 220th Anniversary of the honorable French Revolution and the storming of the Bastille in 1789. It is also the National Day of France. It is only in Sweden (some of us) go on celebrating the revolutionary traitor, the Count of Pontecorvo’s descendants. The Revolution of 1789 meant that the republic was re-instigated on European soil and thereby the road towards political renewal lay reopened. Many of the things and practices we take for granted and identify with modernity today have their origin in the French Revolution. It is not thanks to monarchy that we have the society we have today; it is in spite of it!

The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC.) explained in a pedagogic manner why monarchy is amongst the worst possible ways to rule human societies; simply because the selection process that lead to who should rule the state is inadequate. Breeding simply did not work in that respect and in the end monarchy will only produce a sample of degenerated morons. Aristotle himself preferred aristocratic rule, because it led a group of enlightened people to appoint the most appropriate to rule the state.

The Florentine diplomat and political scientist Niccoló Machiavelli (1469-1527) has wrongly been accused to promote tyranny, despotism and monarchy. Those who claim this usually have been reading The Prince (1531), in rather a superficial and ahistoric manner. Machiavelli wrote several other works, among them we find Discorsi (1531; The Discourses in English translation), which is an intellectual rehabilitation, since an Italian intellectual cannot reject a republican constitution and still keep his image as a genuine intellectual. Machiavelli claims that in all states, except those with the most chaotic, anarchic and despotic ruled, the republican rule is preferable to all other systems. The rule of a prince should only be used when the people is not yet ready for republican rule. The reason for this is that they are not yet ready to take on the responsibilities needed from republican citizens.

The Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1803) wrote in his Perpetual Peace (1795) on how democratic rule was preferable, because all forms of absolutism and despotism only leads humanity into war and despair. He ought to have known, living in Prussia under an absolute monarchy. War would be terminated according to Kant if all countries turned democratic and followed the democratic principles. Within the democratic principles hereditary monarchy had and has no place.

The arguments described above are important parts of the intellectual heritage for promoting republican rule. There is also another type of arguments, which relates to the French Revolution and its motto: Liberty, equality, fraternity. According to these paroles we are in principle able to claim, if we exchange the last one with community, that every rule that contradicts these slogans, promotes some kind of overt or overt oppression. Nobody is foolish enough to claim that the republican rule is per se a perfect ruling system, but it is superior to monarchy. To claim that monarchy is incomprehensible with the slogans does not need any thorough argumentation, as the principles of monarchy suggest: Submission, inequality, privilege. The French Revolution creates the citizen and thereby replaces the subject, who is the image of how monarchs have gazed upon people throughout the ages.

The Swedish monarchy and its place in our history has been determined through a series of coup d’états, which has marginalized the other parts of society, so let us now get rid of monarchy while we still can, and throw it into the waste dump of history, where it belongs.

For these reasons I today celebrate the 220th Anniversary of the French Revolution and eagerly awaits the instigation of the Republic of Sweden.

Sources: Aristotle (1996) The Politics; Niccoló Machiavelli (1531) The Prince; Niccoló Machiavelli (1531) The Discources; Immanuel Kant (1795) The Perpetual Peace.

tisdag 14 juli 2009

Leve republiken

På sidan 4 i dagens SVD bevisar rojalisterna än en gång vilka skarpa tänkare de är (obs ironi!). Vi ska tydligen bekämpa LAS istället för monarkin, om vi ska så ett slag för friheten. Paulina Neudings inlägg är motsägelsefullt om man ska vara snäll, en elak kritiker hade kallat den för intellektuell harakiri. Hon har glömt eller är ovetande de två andra av revolutionens deviser.

Idag är det alltså 220 års-dagen av den ärorika franska revolutionen 1789 och stormningen av Bastiljen. Det är även Frankrikes nationaldag. Det är bara vi svenskar (en del av oss) som envisas med att fira revolutionsförädaren och greven av Pontecorvos ättlings födelsedag istället. 1789 års revolution innebar att repuliken återupprättades på europeisk mark och vägen mot en politisk pånyttfödelse. Många av de företeelser som vi tar för givna idag och identifierar med det moderna samhället har sitt ursprung i den franska revolutionen. Det är ju inte tack vare monarkin vi har det samhälle vi har idag; det är trots den!

Redan Aristoteles (384-322 fvt) förklarade på sitt pedagogiska sätt att monarki var det sämsta av styrelseskick, helt enkelt för att den urvalsprocess som ledde fram till vem som skulle styra staten var ineffektiv. Avel fungerade helt enkelt inte i det avseendet och till slut framställde arvsmonarkin en samling degenererade idioter. Själv föredrog Aristoteles det aristokratiska styret, eftersom det ledde till att en samling upplysta människor utsåg de mest lämpade att styra.

Niccoló Machiavelli (1469-1527) har felaktigt blivit anklagad för att förespråka despoti och monarki. De som hävdar det brukar ha ögnat igen Fursten (1531), på ett ganska ytligt och ahistoriskt sätt. Machiavelli skrev i själva verket en rad andra böcker, däribland Discorsi (1531; Republiken i svensk översättning), som är en intellektuell återupprättelse, eftersom en italiensk intellektuell inte kan förkasta ett republikanskt styrelseskick och behålla sitt image som genuint intellektuell. Machiavelli hävdar att i alla stater, utom de med mest kaotiskt och despotiskt styrda är republik att föredra framför alla andra styrelseskick (som monarki eller despoti). Styret med en furste ska bara användas då befolkningen inte är mogen för republik.

Immanuel Kant (1724-1803) skrev i sin Den eviga freden om hur ett demokratiskt styre vara att föredra, eftersom alla former av envälde och despoti bara leder till krig och elände. Kriget skulle enligt Kant upphöra om alla länder blev demokratiska och följde de demokratiska principerna. I de demokratiska principerna ingår inte arvsmonarkin som koncept.

Det ovan beskrivna utgör delar av det intellektuella arvet för ett främjande av republikanskt styre. Det finns också ett mer närliggande, som hämtar sin intellektuella näring från den franska revolutionen och dess slagord: Frihet, jämlikhet, broderskap. I enlighet med dessa slagord kan vi i princip hävda att om vi byter ut det sista mot "gemenskap", så innebär alla styren som motarbetar dessa slagord någon form av förtryck. Nu är det ingen som påstår att en republik per se utgör ett perfekt statsskick, men det är överlägset det monarkiska. Att monarkin är helt oförenlig med begreppen behöver man inte argumentera för, eftersom monarkins principer i sig är dem motstridiga: Underdånighet, ojämlikhet, kategoriuppdelning av folk. Franska revolutionen föder fram medborgaren och ersätter därmed undersåten, som är sinnebilden för hur monarker har betraktat folk genom tiderna.

Den svenska monarkins plats i vår historia har fastställts genom en serie statskupper, som marginaliserat övriga delar av samhället, så låt oss göra oss av med den medan vi ännu har chansen och förpassa monarkin där den hör hemma; på historiens sophög.

Av dessa anledningar firar jag idag 220 års-dagen av den franska revolutionen och väntar ivrigt på införandet av republik i Sverige.
Källor: Aristoteles (1996) Politiken; Niccoló Machiavelli (1531) Fursten; Niccoló Machiavelli (1531) Republiken; Immanuel Kant (1795) Den eviga freden.

söndag 12 juli 2009

Camel Opportunity

In times of financial crisis its time to find new markets and business opportunities. As we have noticed there has been born no less than seven camels in Mid-Sweden this year. This seemingly presents a new kind of business opportunity. Camels provide great quantities of wool. They are practical vehicles to make traveling possible and they are environmentally friendly.

One idea would be to adjust the Swedish habit of making nice red wooden horses to sell to tourists. That can now be extended into wooden red camels. Diversity of of the supply of goods. Very prosperous future for that one! The Garden Gnome and his supporters have clearly spotted this opportunity and in today's picture we can spot the presentation of the product.
Behind the Garden Gnome on the hangs an extremely disfigured pear, but any similarity between the pear and any living politician is as when you dig up potatoes and you find one which happens to have traits similar to one of your friends or enemies! Purely accidental...

lördag 11 juli 2009

A Visit from South Korea

Today the South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visits Stockholm and we were surprised to watch the security arrangements outside Grand Hotel Stockholm. Loads and loads of South Korean and Swedish security people and policepersons. They even hired a whole boat for the South Korean delegation. On our return from the Modern Museum, we ran right into what seems to be the President himself. You could see him in the grey baseboll-cap in the crowd of security people.

The logic seems to be a little bit awkward though. The President was dressed in a grey suite, wearing sunglasses and a grey baseball-cap. Common sense tells you that if you want to hide something it is best hidden among similar things, which makes it difficult to discriminate one in particular. Here the logic seems to have been to make him look more common, which actually made him look dissimilar. Of course the security people could have been even smarter and the fellow in the grey suite, sunglasses and grey cap might have been a decoy. The security community live by their own logic...

fredag 10 juli 2009

The Swedish Summer

The sorry Swedish excuse for a summer has finally arrived. It funny that most Swedes take their vaction in July as statisticly this is the most rainy month of the year. We also celebrate Midsummer on the statisticly worst possible weekend. The interesting question is: Do we learn by our mistakes? The answer is NO! Year after year we repeat this mistake. For many years I used to work as an industrial repair man and always work in July because all industries were closed down for the vacation and open for repairs... but nowadays I am in public employment and there no understanding of fleixibility exists. Suddenly that old Walker Brothers hit comes to my mind: The sun ain't gonna shine anymore. Wonder who wrote that song? Had he spent his vacation in Sweden?

torsdag 9 juli 2009

Mongolian development review

Already back in the early 1990s, Ole Odgaard and Ole Bruun (1996) concluded that the only way forward for Mongolia was by accepting and integrating market economics. Their recommended way was to combine the old ways with new techniques and thus meet the challenges of a new er in Mongolian history. The road utilizing a planned economy was terminated and closed. A painful process started as the contributions that Mongolia had been receiving from the Soviet Union dried up in 1991 as the Soviet Empire was dismantled, and transformed into the Russian Federation and the other successor states within the Commonwealth of Independent States. Of this Mongolia could have no part and all of a sudden there was the threat of an upcoming budget deficit of approximately 70 percent. The solution lay seemingly in receiving foreign aid and loans from the West and the international donor community. By 2004 70 percent of the Mongolian state budget was covered by foreign aid and loans in various forms.

Over the years textbook market economics has proven difficult to adapt into the reality of Mongolian society. The reasons for this are rather simple and straightforward. I once asked an experienced Swedish aid-worker how he saw on the future for Mongolia. He answered that he saw a future where Mongolia developed into a sort of Argentina of Asia. I was taken by surprise and responded:

-But the Mongolians have a steppe, not something remotely similar to Pampas!

Here lies the core of Mongolia’s problem, as it contains the World’s most northern desert as well as the most southern tundra. Furtermore Mongolia is a very dry country and in Ulaanbaatar there is approximately 300 sunny days a year. Every time that the Mongolian’s have tried to expand their livestock’s it has lead to erosion and loss of land where you could keep and herd animals. Thus the Mongolian society lives on the brink of what is possible. To be frank, thanks to the former Soviet aid and the contemporary Western aid it probably lives beyond its capacity.

Now it seems that the combination of the effects of the market economy and climate change has brought some further problems into the area. As the price of cashmere wool has increased, the market mechanism tells Mongolian herders that it is more profitable to herd goats instead of sheep. Traditionally around 70 percent of the herds have been sheep, while the rest has mostly consisted of goats. That has now changed, because Chinese and domestic buyers are bidding up the prices of the cashmere wool. This has an unfortunate effect on the soil, as goats eat the roots of the plants to a larger extent than sheep. Combined with the greenhouse effect this has diminished the herdable land area with around 7 percent since the downfall of communism in 1991.

The rapid disappearance of pasture land has alarmed the Mongolian Government and the Ministry of Nature and Environment has been recommending the National Security Council to step up the efforts to prevent the desertification of land. The head of the Ministry of Nature and Environment’s Sustainable Development and Strategic Planning Department, Mr. Banzragch, said that the natural balance in certain areas had collapsed as buyers from China was bidding up the prices. The livestocks of cashmere goats has increased from approximately 25 million in 1993 to more than 40 million nowadays. This increase means that the land erosion mounts up and that the useable area decreases.

This development, taken together with the mining operations around the country and global warming, is threatening to spread desertification to alarming heights. Mr. Banzragch claims that if nothing radical is done more than 96 percent of the country could be in various stages of desertification in a nearby future. This would efficiently drain the Mongolian rural areas of people and increase the population in already overcrowded cities like Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Erdenet. In the end it would also increase the Mongolian dependency on foreign aid.

This is not an un-common problem as people try to develop areas where the natural balance is delicate. Western economic theory tend to take water for granted and not take account for when land is close to its production and carrying capacity. The Soviet model of economic development is basically the same as the Western, as it is based on the same premises. In fact, the Western model might actually prove to worse than the Soviet model, at least in Mongolia.

We have an understanding of how to approach modernity that goes through the Neolithic revolution, towards industrialization and into a post-modern stage. However, when one is trying to develop a nomadic herder society it is not realized that the required state of stationary peasantry is not yet achieved. It neither realized that there might be good reasons for this, as the capacity of the land for instance. Instead the development efforts lead to a tragedy of the commons situation.

This means that the result of the development efforts might in the end become very negative and actually increases poverty, instead of bringing wealth to the country. Generally, it seems to be a good idea of making use of the market mechanism, but using it in the neoliberal sense in a developing country like Mongolia might prove counterproductive. Instead, it would appear a good idea to take the best parts of the model created by the Russians and combine it with some productive ideas from the West, that are proven to be sustainable in the long term. In the real world a mixed economy approach might make more sense.

Sources: Ole Odgaard & Ole Bruun (1996) Mongolia in Transition – Old Patterns, New Challenges. Taylor & Francis Ltd.; UB Post (2009) 7 July.

Photos: Anna-Karin Johansson Brikell, copyright

onsdag 8 juli 2009

Political development in the Mongolian Republic

Slowly Mongolian politics is recovering pace after the presidential election. Yesterday Mongolian Prime Minister Sanjaagiin Bayar said that he thought that it was wrong for the Ikh Khural (Parliament) to take decisions on agreements on investment. Bayar continued and said that it ought to be the business of Government. The reason for this was that it was hard to claim responsibility for decision taken by 76 members of Parliament. Government was quite another thing as the core of democracy is to have the ability to sack the Government for decisions or agreements it has taken during its mandate.

Furthermore, Bayar said he was lucky to have led the Mongolian Government supported by the great coalition (consisting of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party and the Mongolian National Democarti Party) through the economic and financial crisis. The fact that the politicians had been able to cooperate rather than use political infighting for their own benefit, has taken Mongolia through the crisis less damaged than otherwise. Prime Minister Bayar also commented on rumours that the Government was going to resign:

"-There are people who might have such a wish, but lack the ability to realise it."

Thus it seems like the coalition government is still holding together and Steven Saunders, President of the North America-Mongolian Business Council, said in an interview commenting on the Mongolian ablity to decide on agrements for development, claiming that:
“-Mongolia is the only country on the globe that can stop global economic recession without spending one tugrug by moving its mining deals. There is a saying ‘Measure seven times and cut once’. The Ikh Khural, has measured the agreement seven times already, now is the time is to cut.”

Behind the lines you can actually read something about the incapacity of making decisions. What is not covered in these newspaper articles though is the fact the newly eleted President Tsakhagiin Elbegdorj has said that some agreements might have to be renegotiated. Prime Minister Bayar actually deny that he will be able to manage this. This might imply a divide within the coalition government.

Sources: UB Post 2009 July; Zuunii Medee 2009 July; Önöödör 2009 July.

tisdag 7 juli 2009

The Gnome is great, but Thor is greater

Today's pic is a follow-up of yesterday's. An argument broke out between the Garden Gnome and his dearest. They were wondering what actually caused the strike of lightening last Friday evening. The Garden Gnome admitted that he wore the Hammer of Thor around his neck. His beloved one quickly replied:

- There you see, Thor came by and realized that he had a follower in this spot and made his appearence known!

The Garden Gnome was not convinced though and said:

- It would rather be the other way around that Thor should spare this house and surroundings because he has a follower on the premises!

The debate continued, but I must admit that it was on a substantially higher level than the one in the tabloids this weekend... but then again; who operates on lower level than the tabloids... is it even possible?

måndag 6 juli 2009

Thor is Great

Thor is Great and Mjoelner is his mighty hammer. Though Thor is not the brightest amongst the gods, hi is by far the most powerful. This Friday we got a powerful demonstration of this power, when he blew a birch to pieces on our lawn in our summerhouse...

torsdag 2 juli 2009

The heat is on

The summer has arrived in Sweden at last. Un-accustomed as we are to higher temperatures it seems that the sightings of UFOs increases. Many years ago there was a movie about what happens in peoples minds when the temperature rises. Another movie, also dealing wirth hot temperatures was Dog Day Afternoon (1975) starring Al Pacino, based on a true story that happened in August 1972, when a planned bank robbery went wrong and developed into a twelve hour long TV-broadcasted live drama. The theory is that events like this only happens during the dog days of late August as temperatures rise high and the brains in people's skulls stops working properly.

Statistics point at sightings of UFOs increases with higher temperatures. Does that mean that people are not as reliable in these wheather conditions as in cooler wheather? Today's pic shows how ones mind might trick you into seeing things that maybe don't exist... or do they?

onsdag 1 juli 2009


Look at todays pic. Here is a surikat put into a home environment and look how well he or she fits in. Coming to think about nothing could be more false. Surikats don't feel comfortable brought out of their natural environment and away from their extented matriarcate families. A possible development would probably be that the surikat died of grief and lonelyness.

Many things are used today as accessories or just to amuse us and are then thrown away. What does that say about us and our contemporary society? Use and dispose, whatever it is? Animals, people and things alike? Is compassion and empathy feelings that are out of time?

- Where is that nice little surikat you used to have?

- Well, it did not fit in with the furniture and wall-paper after our last redecoration so we left for waste disposal!

Actually people don't leave their pets for waste disposal, they normally just leave to their fate, especially when the summer is over and the little cute pet has become too big and is demanding too much attention. Don't bring in animals as pets if you don't think you are going to keep them... and take care of them...