onsdag 14 januari 2009

Silence is Golden

This line refers to an old hit by the Tremeloes from the sixties. An old proverb says "Talking is silver, silence is golden". To me it seems that we are entering a society that tells us that we should keep our mouths shut, if we do not want to celebrate and embrace the elites in power. Michel Foucault brought us the concept of discourse in his very special meaning. Those who does not produce the dominant discourse are cursed, ridiculed or just claimed to be crazy.

The scary thing is that it becomes more and more of an absolute truth. If you pronounce anything outside the accepted truth your days are counted. I overheard a debate between a neocon and a person wanting to install some kind of measure for dealing with a social problem. At the end of the debate the neocon said: "But that is some kind of leftist idea." And this was the end of the debate. No objections! Hopefully it seems like the neocons and neoliberals has come to the end of the road and that their ideological dominance is over and dead.

Still some people seem to have a spine after all. Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales has expelled the Israeli ambassadors from their repsective countries and Chavez has broken off diplomatic connections with Israel. Hopefully the European Union will cancel the newly negotiatied trade treaty with Israel. Lets UNZIP!!!

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