lördag 1 januari 2011

Sexual Abuse or Free Love

- Tonight I, the Bluegnome is downtown Dwarvesville to try and interview Gnomas Foxy and Doxy, and to try and find out what really happened between them and mr.Xhantar. Is it possible for me to get an interview with you two ladies?
- It is possible, but if we don't like the questions or issues brought up we will terminate the interview on the spot.
- Okay, I understand that! Mr. Xhantar says that what you're saying and accusing him of is all a pack of lies. He claims that you had sexual intercourse with him just because he is famous and afterwards you accussed him just to get some extra cash from the media selling your story. How do you respond to that?
- He is lying of course! he is the kind of man who thinks that the world is a private candy-box just for him and that he can do anything he wishes to. In that respect he is omnipotent! Like a god!
- Oh, but he claims that you presented quite another story until you got associated with your lawyer mr. Castlestream?
- Of course mr. Castlestream is our legal advisor and we put full trust in him and his professional skills. He has also told us what to say and when to say it! In accordance with his advice, this interview is now finnished!
- That's seems to be all for now dwarves, gnomes and folks!

- Luckily we got hold of a taping of that interview and we have the material to compare it with another interview undertaken by the always reliable Garden Gnome Guide, at the recording studio of Foxy and Doxy.
- What is your opinion of mr. Xhantar, Professors Duodenum and Anthrax?
- They are scumbags and are capable of anything to get away with the illegal activities they are involved in. When we charged mr. Xhantar, they immediately started a smearing campaign against us and our good reputation. Business looks really bad now for us, because people seems reluctant to get involved with us. The old saying, where there is smoke there is also a fire, is becoming true! And they are guilty as hell, all three of them!
- I thank you for your cooperation and I have the pleasure to invite you to work at Gnomeline with the entertainment department. It is a small compensation, but it is something to fend off the inconveniences created by Xhantar, Duodenum and Anthrax.
- Gee, thanks a lot!
- So you, dear viewers, see that it all boils down to who you believe in: either the two Gnomas Foxy and Doxy and their legal advisor mr. Castlestream or the academic side, consisting of Professors Duodenum and Anthrax and their associate mr. Xhantar.

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