lördag 5 februari 2011

New Year Celebration 2011

Dear dwarves, gnomes and folks, this is the Garden Gnome Guide reporting indirectly from the celebration of the Chinese New Year 2011, on the third of February 2011. There is some kind of peculiar delay here. After our new year celebration at Gnomeline I felt I needed more of that, so I went on a world tour looking for celebrations of new year. Luckily different people celebrate new year att different times of the year, which means there's a lot of celebrations going on out here.
Behind me is the celebration of the year of the rabbit going on. I was told that someone that someone born in the year of the golden rabbit is nice, though a bit introverted, well suited to become a teacher. I myself am a goat, which means that I have a character based on intelligence, creativity, dependability and calmness. This means in principle that you may trust my reports...

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