tisdag 26 maj 2009

Perfect combination

Todays second photo exposes a glimpse of Mongolian innovation and creativeness. Two very typical Mongolian products joined together in perfect harmony. A vodka bottle and a ger. Well there is everything you ever wanted but did not know that you could get... If you look very carefully beneath the words "Mongolian Ger" you will see what almost certaily was the first caravan in history, belonging to the greatest Monglian of them all; Chinggis Khan.

What's next? Maybe airagcans in the shape of a horse? What I know of Mongolia is that there seems to be a lot of thinking going on during the long and cold winter nights... Today we for instance spotted a fantastic Giacometti-like sculpture in bronze or copper of a camel pulling a big-wheeled wagon. At the extremely good price of 114 000 tugrigs. Unfortunately we did not take o photo of it...

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