söndag 1 februari 2009

Once upon a time

... there was a bathroom. Suddenly it was no more. Crushed, devasted and ruined. Dirt was spreading all over. Gone was the possibility of refreshing showers and even a simple wash up.

Oh yeh, plans were made and in the future it looked nice. But the present was just ugly and distasteful. The dirt was spreading into the rest of the flat like a plaigh. It seemed to stop at nothing.

Now the memory of the bathroom has changed. As long as it existed it was talked about in terms of ugliness and bad design. Now it is remembered as a place where good habits and a body smelling very good emerged from. Sadly there is no more of that...

Dirt is dirt and shit is shit... no one can ever change that... How could I be so stupid that wasted my possibilities to clean my dirtyridden body? Of course there are places in this city where it is possible to get a shower... but it is not the same...

So now I am sitting here, waiting for the plummer, the electrician and all the other flukes... Finally they have caught me by the neck. I will never be free again....

3 kommentarer:

Bloggerskan sa...

It seems as if the dirt has spread into your vocabulary as well...

A plummer, is that Amanda Plummer's brother? Or someone bringing you plums?

And a fluke? According to my dictionary that's "bonntur" in Swedish, which I guess is good. Nut somehow I suppose you're waiting for the flakes... As Frank Zappa did...

Best wishes
Ms J B Messerschmitt, Word Police

Bloggerskan sa...

BTW, nut is just another word for but...

DLM sa...

.... it should be flakes then I believe...