onsdag 29 juli 2009

Un-wetter und/oder anti-wetter

This Swedish summer is not good. One newspaper claimed that it was the rainiest July in fifty years time. I remember overhearing some German tourists commenting on the Swedish summer wheather some years ago:
- Das hier ist nicht un-wetter, es ist anti-wetter!
One of the Germans told the other one and it seems that he really ment it. I remember that I thought he was quite right. This summer is not as bad as that one, probably because we have been on the road for quite some time now. Yesterday, however, we landed at the summer house, which probably means that we now have to face the wheather. The wife thinks that now as we are back in Wermland and close to Karlstad, the sun is going to shine everyday.
I am not that optimistic! I still remember the old Walker Brothers song "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore"... Am I a pessimist or not?

Furthermore, the monarchy ought to be abolished!

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