tisdag 21 juli 2009

Spiritus and culture

Today we explored the Aalborg Spiritus Destillery in Ålborg. The factory is at the present owned by the French company Pernod Ricard, as the right-wing Swedish government sold it together with Vin & Sprit AB (who produces Absolut Vodka for instance), in its effort to fulfill its neoliberal dogmatic agenda. The introduction at the factory explicitly reminded us of that fact. We were, however, welcomed as individuals.

On the first photo you see the sign on the roof of the factory, which was built in 1931. It stod throughout WW II and is preserved as a cultural memorable sight by the Danish authorities.

The second photo is of one of the trucks that distribute the alcohol out of the factory towards next step in the production process, where it is bottled and further distributed to the eager consumers. Trivia here is that during WW I, in the old factory, taxes were increased on theh main product Akvavit and the raise was from 0.11 Danish crowns to 9 DAC. This brought down consumption to very low level and the reasons behind the tax raise was that wheat, corn and potatoes was considered as more important as food than ingredients in alcohol.

Furthermore, the Swedish monarchy ought to be abolished!

Photo copyright of Anna-Karin Johansson Brikell

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