onsdag 1 juli 2009


Look at todays pic. Here is a surikat put into a home environment and look how well he or she fits in. Coming to think about nothing could be more false. Surikats don't feel comfortable brought out of their natural environment and away from their extented matriarcate families. A possible development would probably be that the surikat died of grief and lonelyness.

Many things are used today as accessories or just to amuse us and are then thrown away. What does that say about us and our contemporary society? Use and dispose, whatever it is? Animals, people and things alike? Is compassion and empathy feelings that are out of time?

- Where is that nice little surikat you used to have?

- Well, it did not fit in with the furniture and wall-paper after our last redecoration so we left for waste disposal!

Actually people don't leave their pets for waste disposal, they normally just leave to their fate, especially when the summer is over and the little cute pet has become too big and is demanding too much attention. Don't bring in animals as pets if you don't think you are going to keep them... and take care of them...

2 kommentarer:

Bloggerskan sa...

Försöker du övertyga dig själv om att inte släppa in katten på Torpet?

DLM sa...

Nej den katten har alla de färdigheter som behövs för att överleva i naturen. Se bara på hur hon äter sork...