lördag 11 juli 2009

A Visit from South Korea

Today the South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visits Stockholm and we were surprised to watch the security arrangements outside Grand Hotel Stockholm. Loads and loads of South Korean and Swedish security people and policepersons. They even hired a whole boat for the South Korean delegation. On our return from the Modern Museum, we ran right into what seems to be the President himself. You could see him in the grey baseboll-cap in the crowd of security people.

The logic seems to be a little bit awkward though. The President was dressed in a grey suite, wearing sunglasses and a grey baseball-cap. Common sense tells you that if you want to hide something it is best hidden among similar things, which makes it difficult to discriminate one in particular. Here the logic seems to have been to make him look more common, which actually made him look dissimilar. Of course the security people could have been even smarter and the fellow in the grey suite, sunglasses and grey cap might have been a decoy. The security community live by their own logic...

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