fredag 10 juli 2009

The Swedish Summer

The sorry Swedish excuse for a summer has finally arrived. It funny that most Swedes take their vaction in July as statisticly this is the most rainy month of the year. We also celebrate Midsummer on the statisticly worst possible weekend. The interesting question is: Do we learn by our mistakes? The answer is NO! Year after year we repeat this mistake. For many years I used to work as an industrial repair man and always work in July because all industries were closed down for the vacation and open for repairs... but nowadays I am in public employment and there no understanding of fleixibility exists. Suddenly that old Walker Brothers hit comes to my mind: The sun ain't gonna shine anymore. Wonder who wrote that song? Had he spent his vacation in Sweden?

2 kommentarer:

Bloggerskan sa...

Nä, men han kom nog från Örebro.

DLM sa...

Örebro är ödmjukhetens plats på den här planeten...