tisdag 22 december 2009

Gnomeline Neo-News Studio Presents - X-mas just 2 days away

We bring you tidings dear viewers that the Gnomeline Studio has been rebuilt! The fighting is steaming up and the Joint Gnome, Dwarf, Pigs and Wild Boar Forces (JGDPWBF) are ready to strike at the heart of PATALAP. Or as the Garden Gnome Guide once said:
- People tend to think that gnomes are rather harmless and friendly creatures, but I can tell you for sure that gnomes are quite in for the thing called revenge. If you do something a gnome doesn’t like he or she will eventually get back on you. You might think that it is an accident that the infamous potato-bug ate all your potatoes, but left your neighbour’s un-touched. But your just foolin’ yourself. You’re the victim of a gnome! A gnome with a grudge!

Gnoma Interrogata: - And now over to something completely different! We have now been told that the nature pic of this year is a wolf that jumps over a fence. However, the photographer cheated and used a tame wolf. But Gnomeline proudly presents, in co-operation with Dwarf Vision, our best pic of the year: The Jumping Pig!!! But now we turn to the curent conflict situation! We have with us tonight the Garden Gnome Guide, here with us in the Studio, and downtown Central City, the Bat-Biker Gnome, right in the middle of the heavy fighting between the Joint Smallish Forces and the PATALAP! How is the situation downtown?
- Well it seems that we have brought the X-mas sales to an end and it seems that the PATALAP thinks that they have us cornered! But Gnomee Me are they in for a surprise! We have arranged a pelota just for’em!!!
- Thank you for that report Bat-Biker Gnome! And I turn towards the Garden Guide Gnome: What do you think about the current situation?
- Well, I think they are in for a surprise! It is a question of 'em over stretching! I will explain it for you tomorrow or at least the day after tomorrow… but as for now my lips are sealed…
- Thank you, Garden Guide Gnome, and we are very excited about this new strategy and the tactical developments that we inevitably will follow… Overgrowners just don’t get it do they… they had their moment and now it’s gone… I think they just proved it in Copenhagen… Tomorrow you’ll watch us again!!!

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