lördag 18 december 2010

Gnomeline Exposure of Anthrax Scandal

-Good evening dear viewers and others! Today we have something special for all of you. We can actually show what happened down at Gnomevision yesterday when Professor Anthrax got into a psychotic or almost catatonic state. As we see on the video he is actually biting the Bluegnome in his hand and right after smashes him in the head with a hammer. What is your comment Professor Svinhufvud?

- As you can see, he is totally out of control! A mad man in at large! Look at those strong teeth crushing the fingerbones in the Bluegnome's hand! That' what I call a bite! Extraordinary, indead! And look at that blow! What a skill with the hammer! A carpenter can't do it better! I'm impressed!
- Impressed? I thought you were going to be shocked!
- Shocked? No I thought he was going totally bananas, but to quote William Shakespeare's Hamlet: "Surely this is madness, yet there's method init!" Nice controlled hit with the hammer! Makes you happy to see such skill...
- Hmmm, what do you think will be the consequences of this scandal?
- It is entirely up to the Bluegnome. Personally I would sue him of his very last centavo and call for the harshest punishment in the law book.
- You would actually want him to hang for that?
- He is clearly a waste of space and has always been. The world would be a better place without him.
- We thank Professor Svinhufvud for those words and with us from a hospital downtown we have the Bluegnome: How are you doing today?
- Well despite the circumstances! A bit of headache and a wound in the head and two brooken fingers.
- Will you file charges against Professor Anthrax?
- We are in a negotiation his and mine lawyer and I can't reveal anything until those negotiations are finnished.
- We thank the Bluegnome for sharing this with us. Good night dwarves, gnomes and folks, that's all for now!

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