onsdag 22 december 2010

Santas all innocent?

- Good evening dwarves, gnomes and folks! This is the Bluegnome, reporting directly from Gnomevison Studio. With us tonight we have, in the Studio Professors Duodenum and Anthrax, and on link Mr. Xhantar, all before a live bluegnome audience. We have the last days heard about a hideous fraud initiated by Professor Svinhufvud and his Combat Group. What is your response to this Mr. Xhantar?
- Our documentation at Wackoleaks tell a straightforward and plain story. At the Detention Centre at Gnomantanamo Bay, around 720 so called fake Santas are held in custody. Without any accusations or evidence presented against them. This is actually a case where certain members of society operate outside the law and against its intentions.
- I totally agree with Mr. Xhantar and claim that all this is to blame on Professor Svinhufvud. We ought to free all the so called fake Santas and put Svinhufvud and his gang behind bars instead. This Svinhufvud bastard is destroying X-mas for ordinary people and making dwarves and gnomes very impopular. His threatening the existence of our whole community.
- That dangerous?
- He is a menache to society... but we will get him... hopefully before X-mas! Otherwise we will have a lot of unhappy and vengence wanting kids on our backs... They can be really mean if they don't get what they want!
- That's all dwarves, gnomes and folks! Good evening to you!

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