fredag 10 december 2010

Attack in Paris

- Good evening! This is the Bluegnome reporting directly from Paris for Gnomevision, and here Professor Starling Duodenum has just led an attack against the Santa Terrorists. We ask Professor Duodenum, how did it turn out?
- Well if you ask me it went okay! Law enforcement operations are the culmination of work that goes on for weeks and weeks, and what we see in news flashes are just glimpses of our reality. It's hard work with little of glory and heroism!
- But what happened here?
- I dare say that we had a good and successful operation. Not excellent, but neither a disaster.
- Did you catch a Santa Terrorist?
- Not exactly! The French police claim that our troopers shot an old lady dressed in red dress. What they don't understand is that our men register red dress and white hair... that's two out of three... and she also had a brown handbag... which for our troopers was a Santa sack filled with explosives... The French said that we will have to pay for this... dearly...
- Ohh... what happens now?
- Oh, we have a new operation... this time I will beat that damned Svinhufvud... I promise you that!!!

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