söndag 12 december 2010

Santa Terrorist in Psycho Therapy

Wellcome dear viewers! Today I, the Garden Gnome Guide, will present some interesting results into the investigation of the dark minds of the Santa Impostors! Behind me we have the character to be analyzed. He can be described as man in utter delusion and he is barely aware of his whereabouts. Typical is his mindless chanting:
- Hou hou...
We've been going to great a length to try and reach him, but his speach only contain some barely understandable phrases:
- Hou hou!
- What do you want for x-mas?
- Have you been a nice boy this year?
- Have you been a nice girl this year?
- Have you eaten your porridge this year?
You see that a therapist cannot make anything out this and we have began to think about the condition as a decease, something contagious and dangerous! Might actually spread in the wider population! From psycho-dynamic viewpoint it is depressing as there is simply nothing there. The only possibility to describe the condition from psychiatric viewopoint is as an early stage of catatonia....
- What does that mean?
- In the end the sick person will freeze in a static position unable to move and out of reach for any meaningful contact! We will see these character lying around everywhere, in parks, plazas and streets! Just like garbage, if you ask me!
- We thank the Garden Gnome Guide for his insightsful analysis of this tragic condition!

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