fredag 17 december 2010

Gnomevision response to Last night's Call-in

- Good Evening dear viewers! This the Bluregnome direct from Gnomevision's Studio. With us tonight live we have Professors Anthrax and Duodenum. And by link Professor Svinhufvud. First I will address you Professor Svinhufvud: What do you think of ordniary people's responses to your performance yesterday? They were very agitated to say the least.

- Well you know people act on things that really are a storm in bucket full of water, that's their life in principle... where no problem is... they see plenty... I see a terrorist... they see a nice man promoting a joyful holiday... I arrest the terrorist... they see me as the villain...

- You don't think you're acting patronizing and even arrogantly towards the public now?

- You could see me as a benevolent Grandfather, caring for his grandchildren... a little bit worried, but still caring and acting in their best interest.

- That didn't seem to work on that Sandra girl, did it?

- Ah you know children... sensitive beings aren't they, but charming in their awkward way. You cannot actually reason with a six-year-old...

- Professor Anthrax, what is you reflexion on this comment?

- It is consistent with what I claimed for decades. This joke of a man is an ass and a swine, which his name indicates. He doesn't care for ordinary people because he doesn't understand them and the reason for that is that he is a freak! Who other than a freak would surgically alter himself into a gnomelike dwarf?

- I beg your pardon! I thought this was going to be a civilized debate about people's fears and problems. But it seems to boil down to a personal vendetta. I think that Professor Anthrax is as beneficial for society as the disease his name is reflecting!

- I'll kill you... you bastard!!! I'll wring your neck and...

- See what I mean... totally out of control... hardly civilized at all... send him to the nut-house... you probably will ave to restrain him in some way... ohh, that cannot be called normal... maybe a fling of foot and mouth disease?

- Arrgh... hrmfpf... grfff...!!! Kill... kill... destroy... arghaahhh!!!

- We have to break there... it seems that Professor Anthrax has moved into a stage of uncontrollable rage... can somebody help me here... before he chews up my hand... Good evening dear viewers and I hope you will have an enjoyable evening...

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